What We See and Hear Before We Die
By Anna Olson (1130 words)
I was so glad to find David Kessler’s book, Visions,
Trips and Crowded Rooms: What the Near Dying Hear and See Before Death (Hay House, 2010), because it validated my
experience with a friend who was dying. Beatrice was an older woman who was like a
mother to me. Unfortunately, at age 73, she had a weak heart and had just had
her fifth heart attack. I knew she could be nearing the end of her life, and
when she told me, “My mother is here to see me,” I knew for sure she was going
to die.
How did I know that the
appearance of her deceased mother’s spirit meant that Beatrice was getting ready
to transition to the “other side”? I forget; this happened thirty years ago.
Perhaps I had read about such a phenomenon; perhaps someone had told me. But I’m
glad I did know and didn’t think Beatrice was crazy. I respected her vision and
stayed with her till the end.
The study of death
David Kessler is a modern-day thanatologist.
That is, he's a student of death in all its aspects, from the biological to the
emotional and paranormal.
“I don’t only deal with death in the hospital or
hospice, but also at crime scenes, plane crashes, and even bioterror attacks. I
follow death wherever it calls me,” writes Kessler.
A nurse, pilot, and end-of-life program
facilitator, Kessler used to believe that the only thing needed to alleviate
the suffering of the dying was good pain management and symptom control.
Kessler now knows that besides anti-anxiety medication to combat fear and
distress, “we have the ‘who’ and ‘what’ we see before we die, which is perhaps
the greatest comfort to the dying.”
Kessler’s fascination with the process of death
started when he was twelve and his mother was dying. In those days, the medical
system didn’t see a value in family members being with the dying. He and his
dad were allowed to visit her for ten minutes every two hours. She died alone.
Kessler says he felt “utterly overwhelmed, knowing that what I’d seen with my
mother was not how death was supposed to be.”
Since then, Kessler has learned a lot about the
death process – specifically that many dying people see visions of deceased
loved ones, they talk about going on a trip, and sometimes report crowds of
people in their room. All these phenomena point to the existence of spirit life
after death, Kessler believes. His goal is to bring that hope to people who
fear that death is the end of all life for the ones they love.
Kessler uses the term near death awareness
to refer to visions by the dying of the spirits of departed loved ones. This is
different from near death experience where a person comes back from the
brink of death and can talk about the experience.
Kessler asks, “If deceased loved ones really do
appear to the dying, why can’t we, the healthy ones, see them?” He answers with
a story about a dying woman who saw the spirit of her dead mother wanting the
daughter to come with her. A relative who was sitting nearby said she couldn’t
see the spirit. The dying woman answered, “Of course you can’t see her – she’s
here for me, not you!” Kessler suggests there is a power that can “lift the
veil” for the dying, allowing them to see what others cannot.
Doctors slow to accept
In general, Kessler claims, the medical profession
discounts the metaphysical experiences of the dying, calling the deathbed
visions hallucinations due to pain medication, fever or lack of oxygen to the
brain. Kessler talked with one such skeptical oncologist who had never even
been with a dying patient; he just managed treatment and pain management
through bedside visits and phone consults. Others suggest that “it is the
brain’s way of psychologically making it easier to die; that is, our brains are
comforting and protecting us.”
But Kessler points out that it’s only deceased
people who appear to those who are dying. There are many stories of a patient
saying “X” is here to help me leave. The next of kin, who protest that X is
still alive, later find out that X died a few hours or days ago. If these
visions were the brain’s way of comforting the patient, Kessler asks, why
wouldn’t images of living loved ones appear? It’s always spirits of the
deceased that appear.
Those caregivers in hospices and end-of-life care
management tend to have more respect for the near death phenomena as they see
it more than other medical staff. They point out that sometimes patients have
these paranormal experiences weeks before death when a lack of oxygen can’t be
of visions
Here are some reports, courtesy of Kessler, from
the friends, relatives and caregivers of the dying:
· One patient said, “I have to
get my house in order.” He was a minister and the caregiver realized that it
was a metaphor from the Bible about being ready for his transition to the other
· An elderly woman was dying,
unresponsive for the last 24 hours, when she suddenly became alert and spoke in
Czech. Apparently, she was seeing and speaking with the spirits of her mother
and grandparents who didn’t speak English, so she had to speak to them in
· A dying man wanted one last meal in a
Chinese restaurant. There, he saw a vision that meant a lot to him. “She’s in
white. I’ve never seen anything so white. She’s an angel, a real angel,” he
told his brother.
· A mentally challenged woman told her
caregiver she was waiting for a special bus. She saw visions of buses but they
weren’t the right ones. Then one came that had a ramp. This was her special
bus, she said, that recognized her handicap, even though hers was a mental
handicap. She died shortly after seeing her special bus.
Visions, Trips, and Crowded Rooms by David
Kessler is an excellent book for those interested in learning about the
metaphysical view of the death process for themselves and their loved ones.
Medical staff would also benefit from recognizing near death phenomena as
credible. When medics understand what’s happening, they can validate patients’
experiences instead of sedating them to quell what they misinterpret as
Anna Olson is a
Winnipeg freelance writer and editor. Email her at annols@mts.net to comment or to request reprint permission.